
New API Available for Players and Top Scorers

Hi Guys! We’re glad to annunce that they’re now 2 new API available for players and top scorers: Season Top Scorers (http://soccer.sportsopendata.net/v1/leagues/{league_slug}/seasons/{season_slug}/topscorers) Season Teams Available Players (http://soccer.sportsopendata.net/v1/leagues/{league_slug}/seasons/{season_slug}/teams/{team_slug}/players) Take a look to our API and feel free to make us requests to make our service better than ever! Take a look to our forum (http://forum.sportsopendata.net) to[…]

Mattia Cefis

Mattia Cefis

I’m a young guy that live near Bergamo ; I’m graduated in Statistics Science in Bicocca University of Milan. I’ve the passion for all sports, for numbers and analysis, so last may I did the Match Analysis course on football by Panini SPA that let me to obtain the official certification of Football Match Analyst.[…]


Now available Serie A results and standings

Sports Open Data is glad to introduce on its REST API service Serie A results and results at the end of every round. It’s a really important step for us, because Serie A results and standings are the first checkpoint we would like to catch: and we do that. We’ve to say thank you to[…]


Discover Our Services

It’s now available on Sports Open Data website “Our Services” page: in this page you’re able to discover which sports and leagues are now available on our REST APIs and which information you could retrieve. How you could discover our services? It’s really simple: just click on Our Services link in top menu of Sports[…]


Alessandro Parrino

Alessandro Parrino was born in 1977. As a kid he always had a great passion for computers, electronics and technology. After starting his career as a software developer in 2001, he has acquired a wide knowledge about software development life cycle, working with different clients in different business fields. He lives and works in Milan[…]