
Serie A Table after 1 round

Shocking results in this first round in Serie A with Juventus, Milan and Napoli losing; an amazing home 5-2 result put Sampdoria in first place of Serie A Table. After a long time Serie A has been started last weekend and it makes immediately some shocking results: Juventus has lost at Juventus Stadium its first[…]


Serie A Round 1: Lazio-Bologna 2-1

A great match of the rookie Kishna, man of the match, give Lazio 3 points and the temporary first place in Serie A: Lazio-Bologna 2-1. After a shocking draw in kick-off match Verona-Roma (1-1), Lazio had a great opportunity to get all the points of this match, against a last year promoted Bologna: firstly Biglia[…]


Serie A Round 1: Verona-Roma 1-1

Serie A League 2015-2016 has been started with an amazing match against: Verona-Roma 1-1. Every italian supporter has been waiting months for this first match: that’s because Serie A has been officially started. This first round starts with an interesting match, Verona-Roma, with Rudi Garcia’s team ready to try to win this competition. But Roma[…]


Serie A Teams Calendar on ApiGee Console

We’ve finally updated our ApiGee Console ToGo with all Serie A Teams Calendar for the further incoming seasons. After we’ve introduced our ApiGee Console and Serie A TIM Calendar in our previous post, in this further post we’re going to introduce to you Serie A Teams Calendar on ApiGee Console. Simply by using as parameter[…]


Sports Open Data API available on ApiGee

Would you like to test Sports Open Data Api? Take a look on our ApiGee Console. We’re glad to announce to you that it’s now available our Console on ApiGee (http://apigee.com). There’re two ways to use it: 1. You could access to direct URL of our Console 2. You could access directly to our website[…]